Complex Recordsets
It's not always possible to build the required recordset from a single SQL query, especially when trying to produce complex reports. Sometimes several passes through the data are required to acheive the desired data. Oracle allows you to do this using temporary tables or PL/SQL tables. Although the examples in this article could easily be done using SQL alone they do illustrate the methods available:Temporary Tables
Using this method we can create a temporary table to hold the data while we process it. Once the processing is complete we can use aREF CURSOR
to pass the recordset out to an application.First we create a temporary table to hold the data during the processing:
Next we create a package to hold aCREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE my_temp_table ( empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(10), sal NUMBER(7,2), complex NUMBER(7,2) ) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS;
type:Next a procedure is defined to use the ref cursor and the temporary table:CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE Types AS TYPE cursor_type IS REF CURSOR; END Types; /
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE GetComplexEmpRS (p_deptno IN emp.deptno%TYPE, p_recordset OUT Types.cursor_type) AS BEGIN -- Populate temporary table. INSERT INTO my_temp_table (empno, ename, sal) SELECT empno, ename, sal FROM emp WHERE deptno = p_deptno; -- Do complex processing that can't be done from SQL alone. FOR cur_row IN (SELECT * FROM my_temp_table) LOOP UPDATE my_temp_table SET complex = cur_row.sal + 1 WHERE empno = cur_row.empno; END LOOP; -- Open REF CURSOR for outout. OPEN p_recordset FOR SELECT empno, ename, sal, complex FROM my_temp_table ORDER BY ename; END GetComplexEmpRS; /
PL/SQL Tables
This method is essentially the same only the temporary table is replaced by a PL/SQL table. First we create the relevant database types:Next a table type is defined using the previous object type as a rowtype:CREATE TYPE My_Row_Type AS OBJECT ( empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(10), sal NUMBER(7,2), complex NUMBER(7,2) ); /
Next we create a package to hold aCREATE TYPE My_Tab_Type IS TABLE OF My_Row_Type; /
type:Next a procedure is defined to use the ref cursor and the table type:CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE Types AS TYPE cursor_type IS REF CURSOR; END Types; /
TheCREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE GetComplexEmpRS (p_deptno IN emp.deptno%TYPE, p_recordset OUT Types.cursor_type) AS v_tab My_Tab_Type := My_Tab_Type(); BEGIN -- Populate PL/SQL table. FOR cur_row IN (SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno = p_deptno) LOOP v_tab.extend; v_tab(v_tab.Last) := My_Row_Type(cur_row.empno, cur_row.ename, cur_row.sal, NULL); END LOOP; -- Do complex processing that can't be done from SQL alone. FOR cur_row IN 1 .. v_tab.count LOOP v_tab(cur_row).complex := v_tab(cur_row).sal + 1; END LOOP; -- Open REF CURSOR for outout. OPEN p_recordset FOR SELECT empno, ename, sal, complex FROM Table(Cast(v_tab As My_Tab_Type)) ORDER BY ename; END GetComplexEmpRS; /
and CAST
functions allow the PL/SQL table to be referenced from SQL.Test It
Finally the recordset can be referenced using PL/SQL, Java, ADO etc. The following example uses ADO:Dim conn, cmd, rs Set conn = Server.CreateObject("adodb.connection") conn.Open "DSN=TSH1;UID=scott;PWD=tiger" Set cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command") Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn cmd.CommandText = "GetComplexEmpRS" cmd.CommandType = 4 'adCmdStoredProc Dim param1 Set param1 = cmd.CreateParameter ("deptno", adInteger, adParamInput) cmd.Parameters.Append param1 param1.Value = 30 Set rs = cmd.Execute Do Until rs.BOF Or rs.EOF -- Do something rs.MoveNext Loop rs.Close conn.Close Set rs = nothing Set param1 = nothing Set cmd = nothing Set conn = nothing
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