Monday, December 23, 2013

Discoverer Table and Folders Workbooks Queries Tables

Key EUL tables for the different Discoverer components.

List of Business Areas

select ba_name "Business Area", ba_created_by "Creator", ba_created_date "Creation Date", ba_updated_by "Updated By ", ba_updated_date "Last Update Date" , ba_id
from disco.eul5_bas
where ba_created_by like 'DISCO'

List of Folders

select b.ba_name, f.obj_name folder_name, f.obj_id, f.obj_ext_owner Owner
from disco.eul5_objs f,
disco.eul5_ba_obj_links l,
disco.eul5_bas b
where 1=1
and f.obj_id= l.bol_obj_id
and b.ba_id= l.bol_ba_id
and upper(b.ba_name) like upper('Video Store Tutorial')
and upper(f.obj_name) like upper('%')
order by b.ba_name,f.obj_name

List of Folder Items

select i.exp_name item_name, i.exp_id, i.it_ext_column, f.obj_name folder_name, b.ba_name
from disco.eul5_expressions i,
disco.eul5_objs f,
disco.eul5_ba_obj_links l,
disco.eul5_bas b
where f.obj_id= i.it_obj_id
and f.obj_id= l.bol_obj_id
and b.ba_id= l.bol_ba_id
and upper(i.exp_name) like upper('%')
and upper(b.ba_name) like upper('Video Store Tutorial')
and upper(f.obj_name) like upper('Products')
order by b.ba_name,

List of Folder Joins

select key_description
from disco.eul5_key_cons
where fk_obj_id_remote=100027 or key_obj_id=100027

(substitute the numeric id from the Folders obj_id (see the List of Folder query)

List of Workbooks

select doc_name "Document",doc_developer_key, doc_description "Description" from disco.eul5_documents

Note: In the above examples, replace "disco" with the appropriate schema owner of EUL tables. In my case it is the disco owner and hence the examples

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