/* Formatted on 2016/10/19 10:55 (Formatter Plus v4.8.8) */
SELECT responsibility_id, r.*
FROM apps.fnd_responsibility_vl r
WHERE last_update_date > SYSDATE - 7 AND end_date IS NOT NULL;
SELECT (SELECT full_name
FROM per_all_people_f p
WHERE p.person_id = pfa.employee_id
AND SYSDATE BETWEEN effective_start_date
AND NVL (effective_end_date, SYSDATE))
(SELECT user_name
FROM fnd_user u
WHERE u.employee_id = pfa.employee_id
AND SYSDATE BETWEEN start_date AND NVL (end_date, SYSDATE)) racf,
(SELECT concatenated_segments
FROM gl_code_combinations_kfv gl
WHERE gl.code_combination_id =
default_account primary_flag,
-- (SELECT hl.location_code
-- FROM apps.fnd_profile_options a,
-- apps.fnd_profile_options_vl b,
-- apps.fnd_profile_option_values c,
-- apps.fnd_user e,
-- apps.fnd_responsibility_vl g,
-- apps.fnd_application h,
-- hr_locations hl
-- WHERE a.application_id = 178
-- AND b.user_profile_option_name =
-- 'POR : Preferences - Deliver to Location'
-- AND a.profile_option_name = b.profile_option_name
-- AND a.profile_option_id = c.profile_option_id
-- AND a.application_id = c.application_id
-- AND c.level_value = e.user_id(+)
-- AND c.level_value = g.responsibility_id(+)
-- AND c.level_value = h.application_id(+)
-- AND hl.location_id = c.profile_option_value
-- AND e.employee_id = pfa.employee_id
-- AND SYSDATE BETWEEN e.start_date AND NVL (e.end_date, SYSDATE)
-- --and rownum = 1
-- ) location_code,
(SELECT hl.location_code
FROM apps.fnd_profile_options a,
apps.fnd_profile_options_vl b,
apps.fnd_profile_option_values c,
hr_locations hl,
fnd_user fu
WHERE a.application_id = 178
AND b.user_profile_option_name =
'POR : Preferences - Deliver to Location'
AND a.profile_option_name = b.profile_option_name
AND a.profile_option_id = c.profile_option_id
AND a.application_id = c.application_id
AND c.level_value = fu.user_id
and fu.employee_id = pfa.employee_id
AND hl.location_id = c.profile_option_value
AND SYSDATE BETWEEN fu.start_date AND NVL (fu.end_date, SYSDATE)
) loc_code,
(SELECT user_name
FROM fnd_user u
WHERE u.user_id = pfa.created_by
--AND SYSDATE BETWEEN start_date AND NVL (end_date, SYSDATE)
) created_by,
(SELECT responsibility_name
FROM fnd_responsibility_vl
WHERE responsibility_id = pfa.responsibility_id
AND application_id = 178) resposibility_name
FROM por_fav_charge_accounts pfa
WHERE responsibility_id IN
(50825, 50834, 50835, 50836, 50837, 51428, 51429, 51430)
ORDER BY employee_full_name;
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